法蘭克‧洛伊‧賴特 (Frank
Lloyd Wright) 出生於1867年6月8日
有些人到了年老的時候,才會做出最具創造力的作品。法蘭克‧洛伊‧賴特是美國最有影響力的建築師之一,他有許多著名的建築設計是在超過70歲之後才設計出來的。賴特於1867年6月8日在威斯康辛州的瑞曲藍德 (Richland) 出生。他所接受的教育本來是訓練他成為一個工程師,但是他後來卻自修設計建築物的知識。他相信好的房子應該要讓住在裡頭的人感到舒服,不過也應該要能與當地的環境融合成為一體。當他在賓州一處瀑布上蓋了一棟名為「落水」 (Fallingwater) 的房子時,這種概念被他發揮到了極至。此外,賴特還以獨特的方式設計了許多知名的建築物。
Some people do their most creative work late in life. Frank Lloyd Wright was one of America's most influential architects, and he designed some of his most famous buildings when he was over seventy years old. Wright was born on June 8, 1867, in Richland Center, Wisconsin. He was trained to be an engineer but mostly taught himself how to design buildings. He believed houses should be comfortable for the occupants but should also blend in with their environment. He took this idea to its limit when he designed a house in Pennsylvania named Fallingwater, which is suspended above a waterfall. Wright designed other buildings with unique characteristics.
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