

插畫家詹姆士‧蒙哥馬利‧佛雷哥 (James
Montgomery Flagg) 生於1877年6月18日
在1917年與1918年之間,這張海報共影印了超過4百萬份。這個圖像在第二次世界大戰期間也被廣泛運用。你可能看過一個搭配這張海報的標題:「我要你加入美國陸軍」,用來招收軍人。你知道真的有一個山姆大叔嗎?在1961年時,國會同意用在1812年戰爭期間提供肉食給軍隊的肉販薩慕爾‧威爾遜 (Samuel
Wilson,1766-1854) 的名字,當成山姆大叔的名字。人們都認為威爾遜對國家很效忠、是一個很可靠、很誠實、又公正的人。
More than 4 million copies of the poster were printed between 1917 and 1918. The image was also used extensively in World War II. You may have seen it with the caption, "I Want You for U.S. Army," used for recruiting soldiers. Did you know there really was an Uncle Sam? In 1961, Congress recognized meat packer Samuel Wilson (1766-1854), who supplied meat to the Army during the War of 1812, as Uncle Sam's namesake. People said Wilson was fair, reliable, honest, and devoted to his country.
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