插畫家詹姆士‧蒙哥馬利‧佛雷哥 (James
Montgomery Flagg) 生於1877年6月18日
你一定看過這張海報。他的作者是插畫家詹姆士‧蒙哥馬利‧佛雷哥。佛雷哥在1877年6月18日出生於紐約州的佩罕馬諾 (Pelham
Manor) 。他認為這張海報是當時世界上最有名的海報之一。的確,這個用手指著你的山姆大叔已經成為美國的標誌之一。雖然佛雷哥是以商業藝術著名,但是在第一次世界大戰期間,他一共創造了46幅插畫來支持美國。這個圖像最先出現在萊斯裡週刊 (Leslie』s
Weekly) 的封面上,當時的標題就是「你為戰備作了什麼?」
Chances are, you've seen this poster before. Its creator was illustrator James Montgomery Flagg, who was born on June 18, 1877, in Pelham Manor, New York. He claimed it was at one time the most famous poster in the world. Certainly this image of a pointing Uncle Sam has become an American icon. Though he is best known for his commercial art, Flagg created 46 works in support of the war effort during World War I. This image first appeared on the cover of a magazine called Leslie's Weekly with the title, "What Are You Doing for Preparedness?"
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