作家薛伍德‧安德生 (Sherwood
Anderson) 於1876年9月13日出生
安德生年輕的時候時常想要做一個經濟獨立的人。他結婚之後共生了三個小孩,雖然他努力工作,但是卻對現實商場的工作感到不滿。一直到1909年時,他因為過度辛勞而產生暫時性的精神崩潰。就在那一年,他開始一邊擔任芝加哥一家廣告公司的記帳員,一邊撰寫科幻小說。在芝加哥時,他遇見很多位作家,例如卡爾‧山得堡 (Cark
Sandburg) ,以及創立芝加哥文學復興運動的西奧朵‧得瑞司爾 (Theodore
Dreiser) 。這些作家中,有很多人和安德生一樣,都是在中西部的小城鎮中長大的。
As a young man, Anderson was intent on establishing his financial independence. He married, had three children and worked, with growing dissatisfaction, in the corporate world until 1909, when he suffered a brief nervous breakdown. He began to write fiction that year while working as a copywriter at a Chicago advertising agency. In Chicago, he met other thriving writers such as Carl Sandburg and Theodore Dreiser, who formed a sort of Chicago literary renaissance. Many of them, like Anderson, had grown up in small Midwestern towns.
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