

作家薛伍德‧安德生 (Sherwood
Anderson) 於1876年9月13日出生
你有沒有寫過有關自己家鄉的故事?或許你會認為那種題材實在是太無聊了。如果是這樣,你應該看一下美國作家薛伍德‧安德生的作品。安德於1876年9月13日出生於俄亥俄州的坎登 (Camden) ,他以自己家鄉為題材所寫的短篇小說,是他最廣為人知的作品。他在書中描述「令人沈思不已的中西部故事」,這些故事顯示「作者對於平凡人物深刻的描寫與憐憫。」作為一個馬具製造者與臨時油漆工的第三個小孩,安德生有說故事的天分。
Have you ever written a story about your hometown? Maybe you think it's too "boring" to write about. If so, take a look at American writer Sherwood Anderson. Born on September 13, 1876, in Camden, Ohio, he is best known for his short stories that reflect his small-town, Midwestern past. Described as "brooding Midwest tales," they reveal "their author's sympathetic insight into the thwarted lives of ordinary people." This third child of a harness maker and sometime house painter had a fondness for storytelling.
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