

在這項實驗之前,黃熱病在美國南方流行了很長一段時間。由於不知道這個疾病究竟是怎麼感染的,許多人在疾病最嚴重的夏天就會離開南方。自從1888年在佛羅里達的傑克森威爾 (Jacksonville) 發現第一宗黃熱病病例後,嚇壞了的居民開始打包自己的行李,準備搭火車離開家鄉。有些人感到相當恐慌,他們甚至來不及關掉爐子上的火,也忘了把家門關上。而發現第一宗病例的「五月花飯店」也因為眾人的指責而遭到焚燬。
Prior to this experiment, epidemics of yellow fever were common in the American South. Not knowing how the disease was transmitted, many people would leave the South for the summer, when epidemics were most common. In an 1888 yellow fever epidemic in Jacksonville, Florida, terrified citizens packed themselves onto trains leaving town. Some were so panicked, they left fires burning and the doors of their houses wide open. The Mayflower Hotel, where the epidemic started, was condemned and ordered burned to the ground.
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