

沒有人知道是什麼導致經常致死的黃熱病,但是這種疾病卻會造成流行,在同一個區域裡,人們會一個接著一個染病。人們對這個謎樣般的疾病的恐懼一直要到美國陸軍醫師詹姆士‧卡羅 (James
Carroll) 以自己的身體親自做實驗之後才稍微減輕。西元1900年8月27日,卡羅讓一隻受到感染的蚊子叮咬他。他後來感染了相當嚴重的黃熱病,但是他的同事華特‧裡德 (Walter
Reed) 卻因此證實蚊子確實會傳遞這種令人恐懼的疾病。
No one knew what caused the often-deadly yellow fever, but it occurred in epidemic proportions, with one person after another in a given area becoming sick. People feared the mysterious disease, until U.S. Army physician James Carroll endangered his own health in the name of science. On August 27, 1900, Carroll allowed an infected mosquito to feed on him. He developed a severe case of yellow fever but helped his colleague, Walter Reed, prove that mosquitoes transmitted the feared disease.
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