舊金山的蘇特羅海水浴場 (Sutro
Baths) 開放了
在蘇特羅海水浴場那些玻璃建築內,有座游泳池,超過500間獨立的化妝室、展覽廳、餐廳,以及自然歷史的展示館等等。對了,你還可以在太平洋前享受蒸汽加熱過的海水泳池。但是蘇特羅海水浴場現在只是「新懸崖之屋」下方的一塊廢棄地。不過你還是可以到那裡參觀,沿著海洋沙灘散步,並且想像在這裡享受歡樂的一天。有一部叫做蘇特羅 (Sutro) 的老電影應該可以幫助你的想像,你可以去借來看看。你家附近的公共游泳池和蘇特羅海水浴場的泳池像不像呢?問問你的父母或祖父母,看他們有沒有去過或聽過這個海水浴場。
Inside the enormous glass structure that housed the Sutro Baths were seven pools, more than 500 private dressing rooms, viewing galleries, restaurants, and natural history exhibits. Oh, and a giant slide that led into a pool of steam-heated seawater piped in from the Pacific. The Sutro Baths are now only ruins below a new Cliff House. But you can still visit there, walk along Ocean Beach, and imagine a frolicking day at the Sutro Baths. This old movie of Sutro should help; check it out. Is your public pool anything like it? Ask your parents or grandparents if they ever visited or heard of the Sutro Baths.
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