舊金山的蘇特羅海水浴場 (Sutro
Baths) 開放了
你喜不喜歡玩水呢?你應該會喜歡在進入20世紀前開放的蘇特羅海水浴場。市長阿道夫‧蘇特羅 (Adolph
Sutro) 在1896年3月14日這個受大家歡迎的蘇特羅海水浴場正式開幕時,自己也下水大玩特玩。七千名群眾在「懸崖之屋」 (Cliff
House) 下的海洋沙灘上聚集,慶祝這個海水浴場的開放。這是一個又大又有趣的地方,很值得來看看!
Do you like to splash around in water? You would have loved the turn-of-the-century Sutro Baths. Mayor Adolph Sutro made a big splash in San Francisco when he opened the popular Sutro Baths on March 14, 1896. Seven thousand people gathered at Ocean Beach, below the beautiful Cliff House Hotel, to celebrate the opening of the extravagant public bathhouse. What a big, fun place to visit!
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