藍斯頓‧休斯 (Langston
Hughes) 出生
休斯喜歡寫作,同時也下定決心要讓他的作品廣為人知。西元1925年,當他在華盛頓特區的一間飯店裡擔任餐廳服務生時,他悄悄的把三首詩作放到一位客人的手提包裡,這個客人叫做維秋‧林賽 (Vachel
Lindsay) ,是一位有名的詩人。林賽很喜歡這些詩,所以幫助休斯取得獎學金,讓他順利進入賓州的林肯大學就讀。休斯在那裡取得學位,並且出版了詩集與小說。休斯後來也促成「哈林文藝復興運動」 (Harlem
Renaissance) 的舉辦,這是由非裔美籍人士在1920年代於紐約市哈林區的藝術表現活動。
Hughes loved to write and was determined to make his work known. In 1925, while working as a busboy at a hotel in Washington D.C., he slipped three poems into the shoulder bag of guest Vachel Lindsay, who was famous for his performances of poetry. Lindsay liked the poems and as a result, Hughes received a scholarship to Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. There he earned his degree and published collections of poetry and stories. Hughes was part of the Harlem Renaissance, a flourishing of artistic expression by African Americans centered in the community of Harlem in New York City in the 1920s.
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