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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913) 
Portrait of Langston Hughes, 1936.

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藍斯頓‧休斯 (Langston Hughes) 出生

你有沒有喜歡說故事的家人呢?說故事的傳統啟發了身兼詩人與作家身份的藍斯頓‧休斯。休斯於190221日出生在密蘇里州的喬普林 (Joplin) ,他的童年時光大多是陪伴在他祖母身旁,而他的祖母常常說一些充滿想像空間的故事給他聽。因此, 休斯後來對非裔美人的文化與歷史感到相當有興趣,後來也寫了很多跟這些議題有關的故事、傳記、歷史,以及詩作。

在他從高中畢業的那個暑假裡,休斯寫了一首詩:黑人談河流 (The Negro Speaks of Rivers) ,這首詩是這樣寫的:





Do members of your family like to tell stories? The tradition of storytelling inspired poet and writer Langston Hughes, who was born in Joplin, Missouri, on February 1, 1902. Hughes spent much of his childhood with his grandmother, who filled his imagination with stories of the past. As a result, Hughes developed a deep interest in African American culture and history that he later wrote into his many stories, autobiographies, histories, and poems.

Hughes wrote the poem "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" the summer after he graduated from high school. It starts like this:

I've known rivers:
I've known rivers ancient as the world and older
Than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers.

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