

茱莉雅‧沃爾得‧豪威 (Julia
Ward Howe) 獲選進入美國藝術文學院
1861年11月18日,豪威親眼看到南方聯盟軍隊在維吉尼亞攻擊聯邦軍隊。於是她寫下這首共和國戰歌的詩作,並且配上聯邦士兵喜愛的約翰布朗的兄弟 (John
Brown』s Body) 這首歌的曲。歌詞全文在1862年發表在亞特蘭大月刊 (Atlantic
Monthly) 上頭,豪威還因此得到五塊美金的稿費。這首歌後來在北方相當受到歡迎,只要是公眾聚會,大家就會唱這首歌。戰爭結束之後,豪威繼續為了爭取婦女權益、獄所改革、性別教育,以及其他她認為重要的事情而奮鬥著,一直到她於1910年去世之後才停止。
On November 18, 1861, Howe witnessed a Confederate attack on Union troops in Virginia. She wrote the poem "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," set to the tune of "John Brown's Body," a marching song popular among Union soldiers. It was published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1862, and she received just $5 dollars for the piece. It became very popular in the North, commonly sung at public gatherings. After the war, Howe worked for women's rights, prison reform, and sex education, fighting battles for causes she believed in until her death in 1910.