茱莉雅‧沃爾得‧豪威 (Julia
Ward Howe) 獲選進入美國藝術文學院
豪威於1819年出生在紐約市,她和同樣是社會改革主義者的先生薩慕爾‧格裡得利‧豪威 (Samuels
Gridley Howe) 都相當支持廢奴運動。為了要讓大眾聽到他們的聲音,他們在1840年代還編輯出版了一份廢奴報紙,叫做自治報 (Commonwealth) 。因為他們的努力,西元1861年,這對夫婦被邀請到華盛頓特區檢視聯邦軍隊在內戰中的「第一次奔牛之戰」 (First
Battle of Bull Run) 的意見與看法。豪威太太因為看到這場真正的戰爭,不久後就就寫下「共和國戰歌」。
Born in New York City in 1819, Howe, and her husband, social activist Samuel Gridley Howe, embraced the abolitionist (freedom from slavery) movement. In order to get their word out, they edited an abolitionist newspaper called the Commonwealth during the 1840s. Because of their work, the couple was invited to Washington, D.C., to review the attitudes of Union troops after the First Battle of Bull Run in the Civil War in 1861. Mrs. Howe wrote her "Battle Hymn" soon after, inspired by seeing a real battle.