

威布爾‧萊特 (Wilbur
Wright) 與歐爾威爾‧萊特 (Orville
Wright) 的第一次飛行
歐爾威爾和威布爾兄弟兩人走了四英里的路程到達吉特赫克小鎮 (Kitty
Hawk) ,記了一封電報給他們的父親,告知:「星期四早上四次成功飛行,風速21英里,從引擎動力階段開始,平均時速31英里,最久飛行57秒,請通知媒體,我們聖誕節會回家。」
Orville piloted the first flight, which lasted just 12 seconds. On the fourth and final flight of the day, Wilbur flew for 57 seconds. Both brothers survived that morning, December 17, 1903. That day they became the first people to demonstrate sustained flight of a heavier-than-air machine under the complete control of the pilot. What did the brothers do after their exciting success?
Orville and Wilbur Wright walked four miles to Kitty Hawk and sent a telegram to their father: "Success four flights Thursday morning all against twenty one mile wind started from level with engine power alone average speed through air thirty one miles longest 57 seconds inform Press home Christmas."
The world was about to change forever.