威布爾‧萊特 (Wilbur
Wright) 與歐爾威爾‧萊特 (Orville
Wright) 的第一次飛行
「過去幾年,我一直為了人類可能飛翔的信念而煎熬著。我已經深陷其中,這個信念如果不是奪走我的生命,就是要花費我的許多財產。」就在威布爾‧萊特寫下這些話的三年後,他和他的兄弟歐爾威爾在北卡羅萊納州的殺魔丘 (Kill
Devil Hill) 測試他們對飛行的信念。
他們想要駕駛這架在俄亥俄州達頓 (Dayton) 的腳踏車店後院所組合起來的飛機飛翔的信念,是否需要花費威布爾的一生呢?
"For some years, I have been afflicted with the belief that flight is possible to man. My disease has increased in severity and I feel that it will soon cost me an increased amount of money if not my life." Three years after Wilbur Wright wrote those words, he and his brother Orville put their belief in flight to the test in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina.
Did their attempt to fly an airplane they had built in sections in the back room of their Dayton, Ohio bicycle shop cost Wilbur his life?