

奧古斯特‧安修瑟‧布許 (August
Anheuser Busch) 於1899年3月28日出生
奧古斯特‧安修瑟‧布許二世出生在密蘇里州的聖路易市,他是安修瑟‧布許集團的主席,而且從小就是聖路易紅雀隊的球迷。布許出生那年也是聖路易紅雀隊第一年進入國家聯盟比賽。在他成為聖路易紅雀隊的老闆之後,布許喜歡騎著馬率領一批他釀酒公司的健壯馱馬到布許紀念球場 (Busch
Memorial Stadium) 。就算你不是聖路易紅雀隊的球迷,看到這一幕,你也會忍不住大聲叫好。
Born in St. Louis, Missouri, August Anheuser Busch Jr. was the Chairman of the Anheuser-Busch Companies Inc. and may well have been a St. Louis Cardinals fan from childhood; the Cardinals began playing in the National League the same year he was born. After he became the owner of the St. Louis Cardinals, Busch liked to ride into the Busch Memorial stadium behind a team of his brewing company's famous Clydesdale horses. Even if you weren't a St. Louis Cardinals fan, it would have been hard not to cheer at the sight.
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