
聖路易的超級英雄 -- 奧古斯特‧安修瑟‧布許的父親

奧古斯特‧安修瑟‧布許 (August
Anheuser Busch) 於1899年3月28日出生
西元1953年,聖路易 (St.
Louis) 棒球迷最愛的球隊幾乎就要被賣給密爾瓦基 (Milwaukee) 或休士頓。如果這位在啤酒界 (而非棒球界) 赫赫有名的男子沒有出面解救的話,紅雀隊 (Cardinals) 可能就要搬家到上述那兩個城市其中之一去了。奧古斯特‧安修瑟‧布許二世生於1899年3月28日,單騎闖關在1953年買下紅雀隊。雖然他並不是真的騎馬率領一群馬匹買下這支球隊,但是他是做得到的。
In 1953, St. Louis baseball fans almost lost their beloved team to Milwaukee or Houston. The Cardinals would have moved to either of those cities if a man, better known for beer than for baseball, had not rescued the team. Born on March 28, 1899, August Anheuser Busch Jr. rode in and saved the day by purchasing the St. Louis Cardinals. Although he didn't really ride in behind a team of horses on that day, he would later on.
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