
布克‧華盛頓於創立的「塔司克吉學院」 (攝於1906年)

布克‧華盛頓 (Booker
T. Washington) 發表亞特蘭大妥協案 (Atlanta
Compromise) 演說
在他發表演說之前,布克‧華盛頓已經歷經了一段相當艱困的領導時光。華盛頓在他的自傳「從奴隸制度中振作」 (Up
From Slavery) 提到他以一個在西維吉尼亞州的煤礦廠中工作的奴隸身份,進入漢普敦大學 (Hampton
Institute) 就讀,最後還成為教師的經過。他於1881年在阿拉巴馬州創立了「塔司克吉師範與工業學院」 (Tuskegee
Normal and Industrial Institute) ,這間學校也成為美國最好的非裔美人教育機構之一。華盛頓堅信「任何事情都可以像我們分開指頭般找到出口,但是最重要的就是要找到共同前進的方向。」你覺得這句話是什麼意思呢?你同不同意他的主張呢?
Booker T. Washington had traveled a long, hard road to his position of leadership by the time he delivered his speech. Described in his autobiography, Up From Slavery, Washington went from slavery to working in a coal mine in West Virginia to studies at the Hampton Institute and ultimately teaching. He established the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute in Alabama in 1881, turning it into one of the finest African-American educational institutions in the country. Washington strongly believed that "in all things that are purely social we can be separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress." What do you think he meant? Do you agree with his idea?
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