

布克‧華盛頓 (Booker
T. Washington) 發表亞特蘭大妥協案 (Atlanta
Compromise) 演說
華盛頓在喬治亞州亞特蘭大市的國際博覽會,向南方棉花州傳遞他對勤勉、耐心,以及容忍的看法。因為他對內戰後,南方各州在重建時期表現出來的暴力與動盪感到厭煩,華盛頓向黑人演說時指出他們應該要慢慢走向自助,獲致經濟上的保障與安全,並且讓大家逐漸獲致政治上的平等。但是有些非裔美人領袖,包括杜柏伊斯 (W.E.B.
Dubois) 在內,卻認為華盛頓這種強調漸進式的經濟與社會發展不符合需求,這些領袖主張要立即進行政治與強化黑人社群的之事能力。杜柏伊斯還推動一個「反布克運動」,要求立即獲致政治平等。你對華盛頓這種耐心等待平等到來的說法有什麼想法呢?
Washington used the opening of the Cotton States and International Exhibition in Atlanta, Georgia, to send his message of industry, patience, and tolerance. Tired of the violence and turbulence that the South experienced during Reconstruction after the Civil War, he talked to blacks about self-help, attaining economic security, and allowing political equality to happen over time. Some African-American leaders, including W.E.B. Du Bois, rejected Washington's emphasis on gradual economic and social advancement in favor of immediate political and intellectual empowerment. Du Bois formed an "anti-Bookerite" movement calling for immediate equality. What do you think of Washington's patient approach to gaining equality?
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