
白宮裡有些房間是以其裝飾顏色來命名,例如圖中的「綠室」即是一例 (攝於1946年)

開始建造白宮 (White
House) 了:1792年10月13日
英國軍隊在1812年戰爭時燒燬了白宮。後來,整個建築物的結構被重建,並加以擴大,讓詹姆士‧門羅總統可在1817年搬進他的官邸裡。雖然西奧朵‧羅斯福總統與其夫人,還有他們的六個小孩都住在白宮裡,但是二樓卻是軍隊的營房。而白宮的「西廂」 (West
Wing) 則是總統與其幕僚工作的地方。
British troops burned the White House during the War of 1812. The structure was rebuilt, enlarged, and readied for President James Monroe by 1817. While President and Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt and their six children lived at the White House, the second-floor rooms were converted into living quarters. The West Wing was also built during this period to house the presidential staff.
Today the White House has more than 130 rooms. The presidential family lives in the main building, and the president's office is in the West Wing. Did you know that the White House also has a swimming pool, a gym, and a movie theater? About 1.5 million people tour the White House every year. Have you visited this house where the president lives?
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