開始建造白宮 (White
House) 了:1792年10月13日
湯瑪斯‧傑佛遜曾經參與設計白宮的競賽。不過他的設計圖並沒有得到青睞,而是由住在南卡羅來那州查爾斯頓的愛爾蘭移民詹姆斯‧霍本 (James
Hoban) 的設計圖得到採納,並贏得500元美金的獎金。霍本的設計圖是以愛爾蘭都柏林的「萊斯特宮」 (Leister
House) 為設計模型。
Thomas Jefferson was among the many people who submitted a plan for the White House. His design, however, was not chosen. Instead, James Hoban, an Irish immigrant architect living in Charleston, South Carolina, won the competition and a $500 prize, with a design modeled after Leister House in Dublin, Ireland.
Constructed of white-gray sandstone, the presidential mansion was called the White House as early as 1809. President Theodore Roosevelt officially adopted the term in 1902. Over the years, the original building has been expanded, reinforced, set on fire, and rebuilt.
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