
梭羅覺得是家的地方:瑞奎特河—阿爾崗金族印第安人 (Adirondack)

亨利‧大衛‧梭羅 (Henry
David Thoreau) 生於1817年7月12日
Thoreau also helped runaway slaves and defended those who fought for the end of slavery. Thoreau's later years were spent outdoors, where he wrote about nature, like the scene shown in this photograph. He never made much money from his writing. When he died in 1862, many people in Concord considered him to be a failure. Thoreau may not have become rich, but he was a man who followed his beliefs. "If a man does not keep pace with his companions," he wrote, "perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."
Today people continue to be inspired by his writing and his actions. Do you think Thoreau was a failure?
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