亨利‧大衛‧梭羅 (Henry
David Thoreau) 生於1817年7月12日
梭羅做的事情之一,就是寫了一系列有關自己經歷的文章,並且發表在「瓦登,林子裡的生活」 (Walden,
Life in the Woods) 一書中。他也因為拒絕繳交投票稅,而被判入獄一天。梭羅不願意繳稅的原因,是為了對他不願意支持的奴隸制度與墨西哥戰爭表示抗議。他寫下「論公民的不服從」 (Civil
Disobedience) 來說明他的立場。他認為「在一個囚禁不公義的政府統治之下,對公正的人來說,唯有監獄才是最真實的地方。」然而,梭羅入獄服刑的影響比他抗議奴隸制度更為深遠。你覺得他還會作些什麼呢?
One of the things that Thoreau did was write a series of essays about his experiences, published in the book Walden, or, Life in the Woods. He also spent a night in jail for refusing to pay his voting tax. Thoreau withheld the tax as a protest against slavery and the war with Mexico, which he did not support. He wrote "Civil Disobedience" to explain his reasons. "Under a government which imprisons any unjustly," he argued, "the true place for a just man is also a prison." Thoreau, however, did more than just protest slavery by going to jail. What else do you think he did?
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