
平克頓向林肯總統提出暗殺的警告,旁邊站立的是約翰‧馬剋剋拉南少將 (Major
General John A. McClernand)

私家偵探平克頓 (Allan
Pinkerton) 於1819年8月25日出生於蘇格蘭的格拉斯高 (Glasgow)
在1861年時,平克頓正在調查一樁火車搶劫案件,他無意間發現有人要暗殺亞伯拉罕‧林肯 (Abraham
Lincoln) 的計畫。陰謀者想要在林肯前往參加就職典禮的途中,經過巴爾地摩 (Baltimore) 時,將之暗殺。平克頓立即通知林肯,於是林肯便改變路線,在夜晚平安的、秘密離開巴爾地摩。林肯後來延請平克頓成立「秘密情報局」,以便能在內戰時取得南方各州的軍事情報。在田納西、喬治亞,與密西西比各州,平克頓也展開自己的調查工作,並且化名為愛倫少將 (Major
E.J. Allen) 。
In 1861, while investigating a railway case, Pinkerton uncovered an assassination plot against Abraham Lincoln. The conspirators intended to kill Lincoln in Baltimore during a stop on his way to his inauguration. Pinkerton warned Lincoln of the threat, and the president-elect's itinerary was changed so that he passed through the city secretly at night. Lincoln later hired Pinkerton to organize a "secret service" to obtain military information in the Southern states during the Civil War. In Tennessee, Georgia and Mississippi, he performed his own investigative work and traveled under the pseudonym (false name) "Major E.J. Allen."
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