
平克頓偵探社的偵探們後來成為美國的秘密情報員 (維吉尼亞州,1862)

私家偵探平克頓 (Allan
Pinkerton) 於1819年8月25日出生於蘇格蘭的格拉斯高 (Glasgow)
於是,平克頓協助警方逮捕這些人與其他同夥,而他自己也因此被認命為肯恩縣 (Kane County) 的副警長。後來,平克頓更成為芝加哥的第一位全職偵探。到了1850年,平克頓辭去公職,並設立了屬於自己的偵探社—平克頓偵探社—也是全國第一家偵探社,提供了許多私人偵探的服務,其中最擅長的就是逮捕那些火車強盜與偽造貨幣的不良份子。到了1870年代,這家偵探社已經擁有了全世界最多嫌疑犯特寫照片與最大犯罪資料庫。這家偵探社的標誌,就是一個打開的眼睛,所以人們把偵探稱為是
「Private Eye」。
Assisting in the arrest of these men and another gang led first to Pinkerton's appointment as deputy sheriff of Kane County and, later, as Chicago's first full-time detective. In 1850, Pinkerton left this post to start his own detective agency. One of the first of its kind, the Pinkerton National Detective Agency provided a wide array of private detective services and specialized in the capture of train robbers and counterfeiters. By the 1870s, the agency had the world's largest collection of mug shots and a criminal database. The agency's logo, the All-Seeing Eye, inspired the term "Private Eye."
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