

克來門特‧摩爾 (Clement
Moore) 被認為是在1822年12月24日完成聖尼古拉斯的拜訪 (A
Visit from St. Nicholas) 的作者
Clement Moore graduated from Columbia. As a scholar, he is said to have been embarrassed by the light-hearted holiday poem, which somehow made its way into the public without his knowledge in December 1823. Moore did not publish it under his name until 1844. Many editions of "The Night Before Christmas" have been published over the years.
American parents still read the tale to their children at bedtime on December 24, as their parents did to them. This message from Santa, recorded by the Thomas Edison Company in 1922, didn't quite become a classic. But you might imagine small children listening to it on an old phonograph, believing the voice they heard was really that of Santa Claus, hidden inside the machine.
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