克來門特‧摩爾 (Clement
Moore) 被認為是在1822年12月24日完成聖尼古拉斯的拜訪 (A
Visit from St. Nicholas) 的作者
當他坐上一個胖嘟嘟又長滿鬍子的荷蘭人,駕駛著雪橇在紐約覆雪的街道上飛馳時,摩爾得到了靈感。聖尼古拉斯乃是摩爾根據這位荷裔美人、以及挪威傳說裡那神奇且會在平安夜裡樂善好施的人物,所構思而成的角色;另外,故事也有一部分是根據訪客從煙囪進入家中的德國傳說而發展出來的。因為克來門特‧摩爾是一個受過文學教育的人,所以他知道這些民間傳說。他於1779年出生在一個家世顯赫的紐約家庭裡。他的父親—班哲民‧摩爾 (Benjamin
Moore) 是紐約的主教,曾經參與美國第一任總統喬治‧華盛頓的就職大典。
He was inspired by the plump, bearded Dutchman who took him by sleigh on his errand through the snow-covered streets of New York City. Moore's vision of St. Nicholas draws upon Dutch-American and Norwegian traditions of a magical, gift-giving figure who appears at Christmas time. It also is based on the German legend of a visitor who enters homes through chimneys. Clement Moore knew of such folklore as a learned man of literature. He was born into a well-respected New York family in 1779. His father, Benjamin Moore, had served as president of Columbia University and Episcopal bishop of New York, participating in the inauguration of George Washington as the nation's first president.
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