

安德魯‧強森 (Andrew
Johnson) 總統於1808年12月29日生於北卡羅來那州的羅利 (Raleigh)
強森天生就是一個政治演說家,在政治舞台上的竄升速度很快。在1829年時,他第一次贏得市議員 (或郡議員) 的選舉。不久之後,他的政治舞台越來越寬廣,從綠村市的市長、田納西州立法局的成員、美國眾議員、田納西州州長,以及美國參議員。在國會裡,強森大力支持美國向西部擴張的計畫。然而,他與同樣從南方來的同事相處得並不好。在脫離聯邦危機與內戰期間,他是唯一一個支持中央政府的南方議員。在聯邦軍隊佔領田納西州部分區域時,林肯指派強森擔任該州的軍事首長。強森在暴民與子彈的威脅下接下這項工作。
A gifted political speaker, Johnson climbed the political ladder quickly. In 1829, he won his first office as an alderman, or county councilman. In rapid succession he became mayor of Greenville, a member of the Tennessee state legislature, U.S. congressman, governor of Tennessee, and U.S. senator. In Congress, Johnson was a strong advocate of America's westward expansion. He did not, however, make friends among his Southern compatriots. He was the only Southerner in Congress who firmly supported the Union throughout both the secession crisis and the Civil War. After federal forces captured portions of Tennessee, Lincoln appointed Johnson military governor of the state. Johnson took the job in the face of lynch mobs and bullets.
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