安德魯‧強森 (Andrew
Johnson) 總統於1808年12月29日生於北卡羅來那州的羅利 (Raleigh)
如果你回顧安德魯‧強森的童年歲月,你大概從來都不會想到有一天他會成為美國的最高領袖。美國的第17位總統安德魯‧強森於1808年12月29日生於北卡羅來那州的羅利。強森的父親在他很小的時候就去世了,讓他的家庭陷入貧窮的困境。從10歲到17歲,小強森跟著一個裁縫師當學徒。他在那一行作了許多年,也跟著他的母親搬到田納西州的綠村 (Greenville) 。強森一直都沒有接受正統的學校教育。不過,在他和依麗莎‧麥克卡朵 (Eliza
McCardle) 結婚後,他的太太變成了他的老師,讓強森能夠有一個很好的學習環境。
If you looked only at Andrew Johnson's childhood, you would never guess that he would rise to the highest office of the United States. The 17th president of the United States, Andrew Johnson was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, on December 29, 1808. His father died when he was young, leaving the family in poverty. From ages 10 to 17, young Johnson worked as an apprentice to a tailor. He worked at that trade for a number of years, during which time he moved with his mother to Greenville, Tennessee. Johnson never attended school. Once married, however, his wife, Eliza McCardle, became his tutor, providing him with a good common education.
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