

尤利塞斯·格蘭特 (Ulysses
S. Grant) 生於1822年4月27日
格蘭特是一個安靜、謙卑、熱心,且聰明的人,他後來加入美國與墨西哥的戰爭中 (Mexican
War, 1846-48) ,他個人雖然反對這場戰爭,但是他在戰場上卻表現出無比的勇氣。 (在墨西哥戰爭時,美國為了德州南方部分有爭議的領土,而與其鄰國發生衝突。)
戰爭結束之後,格蘭特回到家鄉迎娶等待他許久的未婚妻茱莉雅‧鄧特 (Julia
Dent) 。但是他們只一起相處了四年,就因為格蘭特的移防而必須分隔兩地。雖然得到晉陞,但是卻無法撫平格蘭特思念家庭和消弭他對軍隊生活的厭煩。於是這個年僅32歲的上尉在1854年提出辭呈。
The quiet, unassuming, and keenly intelligent Grant suddenly found himself on the battlefields of the Mexican War (1846-48), a conflict he personally opposed but fought with great bravery. (During the Mexican War, the U.S. fought its neighbor to the south over disputed Texan land.) After the war, he returned home to wed his longtime fiancé, Julia Dent, but the couple had only four years together before Grant was transferred. Even a promotion did not relieve Grant's longing for his family and boredom with army routine. The 32-year-old captain resigned his commission in 1854.
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