

尤利塞斯·格蘭特 (Ulysses
S. Grant) 生於1822年4月27日
雖然身為美國歷史上獲得最多榮耀、也最受人尊敬的軍事領袖之一,他卻從未想過要把軍旅生涯當成一生的志業;因緣際會之間,他卻成為一個將軍,並且還是兩任美國總統。尤利賽斯‧格蘭特生於1822年4月27日出生在俄亥俄州的快樂鎮 (Point
Pleasant) 。他曾寫道:「軍旅生涯對我一點吸引力也沒有,我不確定自己可以畢業,就算是我畢業了,也一點都沒有要永遠留在軍隊裡的想法。」可是,格蘭特在1843年真的從西點軍校 (West
Point) 畢業,後來還在戰場上帶兵作戰。
One of the most honored and respected military leaders in U.S. history never even wanted a military career. Despite that, he became a general and served two terms as president of the United States. Ulysses S. Grant, born on April 27, 1822, in Point Pleasant, Ohio, wrote, "A military life had no charms for me, and I had not the faintest idea of staying in the army even if I should be graduated, which I did not expect." However, Grant did graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1843 and later began leading soldiers in battle.
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