

薩慕爾‧史雷特 (Samuel
Slater) 在拋塔克特市根據英國發明家理查‧阿克萊特 (Richard
Arkwright) 的設計,蓋了美國第一間棉織廠。雖然英國法律規定紡織工人不能離開英國,但是史雷特還是逃到美國來尋找事業的第二春。後來,他被認為是美國紡織工業之父,並且在新英格蘭地區蓋了幾間成功的棉織廠,同時還在羅德島上建立了「史雷特村」 (Slaterville) 這個小鎮。在內戰爆發之前,紡織業是美國最重要的工業之一,而且紡織科技在當時的進展也相當迅速。
Samuel Slater built that first American mill in Pawtucket based on designs of English inventor Richard Arkwright. Though it was against British law to leave the country if you were a textile worker, Slater fled anyway in order to seek his fortune in America. Considered the father of the United States textile industry, he eventually built several successful cotton mills in New England and established the town of Slatersville, Rhode Island. Before the Civil War, textile manufacture was the most important industry in America and there were rapid advances in mill technology.
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