

你是否曾經看著你的衣服,然後對他們的製作方式感到好奇呢?一件棉質T-Shirt是怎麼作的呢:是怎麼從一團毛線球變成你現在身上穿的衣服?這個過程有大半部分都是在棉織廠裡頭進型的。美國第一家棉織廠在1790年12月20日開始運作。在羅德島州的拋塔克特 (Pawtucket) 地區,有一家棉織廠使用水力發電的機器來梳理與製作棉線球。有些機器負責透過剔除過短的纖維,進一步梳理纖維使之不會打結。在旋轉過程中,纖維會被抽取出來,經過旋轉纏繞之後,就會變成棉線或紗線。這些線接著就可以在下個階段裡進行染色,並且織成布料。你能想像在機器發明之前,這些工作都是手工進行的嗎?
Do you ever look at your clothes and wonder how they were made? How does a cotton T-shirt go from a fluffy little ball of cotton full of seeds to the shirt on your back? A large part of the process happens in a cotton mill. The first American cotton mill began operation on December 20, 1790. The mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, had water-powered machinery for carding and spinning cotton. A machine cards cotton by combing and untangling fibers while removing short undesirable fibers. In the spinning process, the fibers are drawn out, twisted and wound to create thread or yarn. That thread can then be dyed and woven into fabrics in the next phase of the process. Can you imagine that all this used to be done by hand before there were machines?
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