布魯克林橋 (Brooklyn
Bridge) 的設計師羅布林 (John
A Roebling) 生於1806年6月12日
你有沒有去過紐約市呢?如果有,你可能知道橫跨東河 (East
River) 的布魯克林橋,連接了曼哈頓與布魯克林區。
既然橋是蓋在河水上方的,那麼工人在工作時怎麼保持乾燥呢?工人必須到河水下方78英尺的地方,設置支撐布魯克林橋的裝置。他們之所以不會全身濕透,是因為事先就在河裡放置了密閉的潛水箱 (防水結構) ,所以他們可以在那裡面工作,而不被弄濕。
Have you ever been to New York City? If you have, you probably know that the Brooklyn Bridge crosses the East River, connecting the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn.
When a bridge is built over water, how do the workers stay dry? Workers went as much as 78 feet underwater to dig the supports for the Brooklyn Bridge. They did not get wet because airtight caissons (watertight structures) were sunk under the water giving the men a dry place to work.
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