布魯克林橋 (Brooklyn
Bridge) 的設計師羅布林 (John
A Roebling) 生於1806年6月12日
羅布林於1806年6月12日出生在普魯士 (Prussia) ,因為在1883年建造完成了紐約市的布魯克林橋,他成為一個著名的設計師與土木工程師。整座橋長達1595英尺,曾經是世界上最長的吊橋。此外,羅布林也參與發明建造此橋的鋼纜線。
Born in Prussia on June 12, 1806, John A. Roebling is best known as the designer and civil engineer for the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City, which was completed in 1883. At 1,595 feet long, the structure was the longest suspension bridge in the world for many years. Roebling was also responsible for inventing the steel wire cables that made the bridge possible.
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