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A screen shot from 'Theodore Roosevelt calls on neighbors at Christmas, 1917'

西奧朵‧羅斯福 (Theodore Roosevelt) 總統在聖誕節時習慣發送禮物給鄰居 (1917年)

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聖誕節 (Christmas Day) :1225

19世紀時,麻州有一個叫做愛倫‧華勒斯 (Alan Wallace) 的小孩,他會在夏天的時候到海灘上撿拾貝殼,然後把這些貝殼做成聖誕節禮物。1890年代,喬治亞州的瑪格麗特‧大衛斯 (Margaret Davis) 則說她的家人都會享用大餐,跳舞,並且一整個星期都會到處參加派對。有些小孩子會寫信給住在北極的聖誕老人,希望能夠得到他們想要的禮物。有些人前一晚會在桌上子擺一些牛奶和餅乾,這樣聖誕老人晚上來的時候就可以吃。還有一些家庭會在其他家庭聚在聖誕樹前拆禮物時,到教堂參加彌撒。你和你的朋友在聖誕節會做些什麼特別的事情來慶祝呢?聖誕節快樂!

Alan Wallace of Massachusetts, who was a boy at the end of the 19th century, used to gather seashells from the shore in the summertime to make into Christmas presents. Margaret Davis of Georgia, said her family ate, danced, and went to parties all week long in the 1890s. Some children write letters to Santa at the North Pole asking for things they want. Some leave milk and cookies out for St. Nick the night before. Some families attend morning mass, while others gather around a Christmas tree to open brightly wrapped boxes. What do you or your friends do to celebrate Christmas in your own special way? Happy Holidays!
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VIDEO CREDIT: "TR Calls on Neighbors at Christmas, 1917." International Newsreel Corporation, 1917. Theodore Roosevelt: His Life and Times on Film, American Memory collections, Library of Congress.