

聖誕節 (Christmas
Day) :12月25日
移民到美國並定居在新阿姆斯特丹 (New
Amsterdam,也就是現在的紐約市) 的荷蘭人,把聖尼可拉斯的故事帶到美國。在英國,他被稱之為聖誕老人。跟這個仁慈老人的傳說有關的故事,還包括古老的挪威民俗傳說:有個魔術師會處罰淘氣的小孩,並且用禮物獎賞那些表現良好的乖小孩。現在我們在美國所熟知的聖誕老人,是穿著紅色的衣服,有爽朗的笑聲,還有長長的白鬍子,從19世紀開始就出現在故事與歌曲裡頭。不過,每個家庭都有他們慶祝聖誕節的方式。
Dutch colonists settling in New Amsterdam (now New York City) brought the story of St. Nicholas with them. In English, he became known as Santa Claus. Added to the legend of this kind old man were old Nordic folk tales of a magician who punished naughty children and rewarded good children with presents. The Santa Claus we recognize in the U.S. today, with his red suit, jolly laugh, and long white beard, began to appear in story and song in the 19th century. But every family has their own unique traditions for the holiday as well.
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