
林登‧詹森是美國副總統也是國家太空委員會的主席 (攝於1964年)

在副總統詹森的領導下,國家太空委員會 (National
Space Council) 建議美國太空總署 (National
Aeronautics and Space Administration,NASA) 要與所有和太空飛行有關之政府部門共同提出統合的政策協調計畫。美國太空總署在詹森副總統的家鄉,德州休士頓 (Houston) 設立了指揮與管制中心:載人太空船中心 (Manned
Spacecraft Center) ,現在稱為詹森太空中心 (Johnson
Space Center) 。
Under Vice President Johnson, the National Space Council recommended that National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provide policy coordination with all government agencies involved in space flight. NASA established its command and control center, the Manned Spacecraft Center (now known as the Johnson Space Center), in Houston, in Johnson's home state of Texas.
The U.S. space program had two main goals: one, develop a system of unmanned satellites that would orbit the earth and provide global telecommunications; and two, pursue manned and unmanned space exploration. Working toward both goals, NASA truly launched the U.S. into the space age.
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