

如果你在一個天氣很好的夜晚看著天空,你可能會看到一個物體緩慢的在閃亮的星星與星球之間移動著,劃過黑暗的天空。這個小物體並不是星星,這是繞著地球軌道運行的衛星。天上衛星的數量很多,這都得感謝約翰‧甘迺迪 (John
F. Kennedy) 與林登‧詹森 (Lyndon
Johnson) 的努力。
西元1961年6月24日,美國民眾得知甘迺迪總統下令指派副總統詹森負責執行統整美國衛星計畫的這項優先重大任務。自從蘇聯在1957年發射全世界第一顆人造衛星「史波尼克」 (Sputnik) 後,美國的太空計畫開始迎頭趕上。但是這項計畫卻因為政府部門之間的鬥爭與政府預算擴充的困難,而遭遇到許多挑戰。毫無疑問的,這項計畫需要強而有力的領導才能落實。
If you look up into the sky on a clear night, you might see among the sparkling stars and planets an object that is moving slowly across the dark sky. That little light is no star; it's a satellite orbiting the earth. There are many out there, thanks in part to the efforts of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson.
On June 24, 1961, the public learned of President Kennedy's letter assigning Vice President Johnson the high-priority task of unifying the United States satellite programs. After the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the world's first artificial satellite, in 1957, the U.S. space program skyrocketed. But the program was plagued with rivalries between competing government agencies and expanding costs. It needed strong leadership.
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