
穿著制服的參議員:華盛頓棒球隊 (攝於1913年)

偉大的棒球選手華特‧強森 (Walter
Johnson) 於1946年12月10日去世了
強森的投球絕招已經不是秘密了。他的快速球被認為是棒球史上投得最好的。有一名體育記者當時曾經指出:「他的身上藏著一把槍。你根本看不見他是用手槍把球發射出來的。」強森在就讀堪薩斯高中時開始擔任投手,也開始展現他優異的球技。當華盛頓參議員隊 (Washington
Senators) 在1907年與強森簽約時,強森的要求很簡單:如果他無法在大聯盟成功,球隊必須支付他回家的旅費。不過,強森一點都不需要擔心這個問題。
Johnson's best pitch was hardly a secret. His fastball is considered to be among the best in baseball history. One sports reporter in Johnson's day remarked, "He's got a gun concealed about his person. You can't tell me he throws them balls with his arm." He started developing his famous pitch on the mound of in his Kansas high school. When the Washington Senators recruited him in 1907, he said he would come to try out only on the condition that the team would pay his way home if he failed in the big leagues. Johnson needn't have worried!
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