
被稱為「大火車」的華特‧強森 (1913年的棒球卡)

偉大的棒球選手華特‧強森 (Walter
Johnson) 於1946年12月10日去世了
在你看過的棒球賽中,你認為誰是最好的投手呢?在1907年至1929年之間,許多球迷都會認為外號「大火車」 (The
Big Train) 的華特‧強森是最佳投手。華特‧強森這位偉大的棒球選手於1946年12月10日去世,當時他才59歲。但是他卻留下了後人難以打破的傳奇紀錄。在他的職棒生涯中,一共獲得110場完封勝利,比任何其他投手都要多。西元1913年,他創下讓對手連續56局無得分的記錄。他的紀錄維持了50年之久,後來才在1968年被唐恩‧得力司帶爾 (Don
Drysdale) 打破。在所有投手當中,強森的勝場記錄僅次於賽揚 (Cy
Young) 。他有什麼秘密武器能夠獲得這麼多場勝投呢?
Who's the best pitcher you've ever seen play baseball? Between 1907 and 1929, many fans would have answered "The Big Train," Walter Johnson. Baseball great Walter Johnson died on December 10, 1946, at the age of 59, but he left behind an amazing legacy of records to beat. He scored more shutout victories (110) than any other major league pitcher. In 1913, he set a record for most consecutive scoreless innings, pitching 56 of them. His record stood for more than 50 years, until Don Drysdale beat it in 1968. Johnson's strikeout record (3,508) held until 1983. In all-time wins, Johnson is second only to Cy Young. What was this productive pitcher's secret weapon?
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