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Jump Back in Time 現代時期  (1946 - present)
Iroquois Indians, in 1914.

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第一個地球日 (Earth Day) :1970422

舉例來說,美國原住民艾洛克歐族 (Iroquois) 很早之前就在他們的故事與歌曲中提到和地球與其他生物保持良好關係的理念。在1990年慶祝地球日的20週年紀念上,全球有高達2億人參與慶祝地球的活動。你怎麼表達對地球之母的感激呢?問問你的朋友和家人,看他們怎麼慶祝地球日。

Native American people, for example, the Iroquois, have long recognized and celebrated in story and song the interdependence of the earth and all its creatures. For the 20th anniversary of Earth Day in 1990, they were joined by more than 200 million people in 141 countries participating in celebrations of the planet that supports us. How do you show your appreciation of Mother Earth? Ask your friends and family how they celebrate Earth Day.

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