第一個地球日 (Earth
Day) :1970年4月22日
對許多關心環境的人們來說,地球日使他們能夠參與全國性的示威活動,對政府官員傳遞保護環境的訊息,讓官員們知道保護環境的重要性。雖然創立於1800年後期的植樹節 (Arbor
Day) 與鳥類節 (Bird
Day) ,也都支持造林活動、保育活動,以及欣賞大自然的活動,不過這些節日的規模都比地球日要小。不過,在這三個節日大力推廣與教育之前,已經有一些美國人知道對大自然表達深深的感激之意了。
For the many people who care for the environment, Earth Day became the first opportunity they had to join in a nationwide demonstration to send a big message to public officials--a message to tell them to protect our planet. Both Arbor Day and Bird Day (established in the late 1800s) supported forestation, conservation, and the appreciation of nature, but on a smaller scale than Earth Day. While all three of these days helped educate the general public, some Americans already had a deep appreciation of nature.
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