
邦區參加「美國有色人種促進會」 (National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People,NAACP) 的會議,他擔任董事會的董事

美國外交官羅夫‧邦區 (Ralph
Bunche) 於1971年12月9日去世
邦區是政府與國際關係的雙碩士。西元1928年,他設立了華盛頓特區豪沃大學 (Howard
University) 的政治系。在1938年至1940年之間,邦區進行一項有關美國種族關係的重要研究,他提出「貧窮孕育貧窮」的理論。在第二次世界大戰期間,邦區在戰爭部 (War
Department) 與國務院 (the
State Department) 服務。他也是早期推動成立聯合國 (United
Nations) 的重要人物之一,邦區後來也一直在聯合國內服務,並完成許多偉大的功績。
Bunche earned graduate degrees in both government and international relations. In 1928, he established a department of political science at Howard University in Washington, D.C. Between 1938 and 1940, Bunche collaborated on a monumental study of U.S. race relations, which presented the theory that "poverty breeds poverty." With World War II, Bunche worked for the War Department and the State Department. He played an important role in the early planning for the United Nations, the organization he served for the rest of his career, with some remarkable achievements.
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