
羅夫‧邦區能夠以談判獲致和平 (攝於1951年5月16日)

美國外交官羅夫‧邦區 (Ralph
Bunche) 於1971年12月9日去世
你是否曾經嘗試在兩批衝突群眾之間創造和平呢?過程可能會相當棘手。不過美國外交官羅夫‧邦區就具有談判的技巧以及完整優良的訓練與經驗。邦區於1971年12月9日在紐約去世,他獲致相當多的政治與個人成就,例如他曾獲得1950年的諾貝爾和平獎 (Nobel
Peace Prize) 等。在他從哈佛大學畢業之後,他擔任過外交官、調停者、教育家、作家、社會理論家,以及政治領袖。
Have you ever tried to create peace between two fighting people? It can be a delicate process, but American diplomat Ralph Bunche had a knack for negotiation, along with excellent training and experience. Bunche died on December 9, 1971, in New York City, but not before many political and personal accomplishments, like winning the 1950 Nobel Peace Prize. His career as diplomat, mediator, educator, writer, social theorist, and political leader began after his education at Harvard University.
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