四月一日愚人節 (Fools'
愚人節也被稱之為所有傻子的節日 (All
Fools』 Day) ,在許多國家都已經存在好幾個世紀之久了。這個節日的時間似乎和春分 (vernal
equinox,也就是一年之中,太陽直射赤道的日子,白天和晚上一樣長) 有點關連。春分像徵著春天的開始 (通常是3月21日左右) ,大自然也在這時候故意改變氣候來捉弄人類。
Also called All Fools' Day, April Fools' Day has been observed for centuries in several countries. The timing of the holiday seems related to the vernal equinox (one of the two days in the year when the sun is exactly above the equator, and nighttime and daytime are the same length). The vernal equinox marks the beginning of spring (usually around March 21), when nature "fools" mankind with sudden changes in the weather.
Mother Nature is not the only one who plays tricks on people; you can see another kind of fool in the drawings on this page.
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