四月一日愚人節 (Fools'
你有沒有捉弄過別人,然後當那個人被你捉弄後,你才跟他說:「愚人節快樂!」4月1日是所謂的4月愚人節,雖然沒有人知道這個節日的真正由來為何,但是這是一個捉弄別人的大好機會:只要這個捉弄不會傷人就好。4月愚人節讓每個人都有機會能夠成為「傻子」。在法國,被捉弄的人通常被稱為「4月的魚」 (poisson
Fish) ;在蘇格蘭,被愚弄的人則被稱為「布穀鳥」 (Gowk) ,那是呆子的象徵。
Have you ever played a joke on someone and then, just when that person has fallen for it, said "April Fools!"? April 1 is known as April Fools' Day, and, although no one really knows how the holiday began, it's a great chance to play a joke on someone--as long as the joke is harmless. April Fools' Day gives everyone a chance to play "the fool." In France the fooled person is called poisson d'avril ("April fish"), and in Scotland the person is called a gowk (cuckoo), the symbol of a simpleton.
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