
表演者蘇菲‧塔克 (Sohpie
Tucker) 生於1884年1月13日
塔克很快就因為坦率的表演以及嘶啞的聲音而走紅。當她第一次聽到自己錄製的聲音時,她說:「我聽起來像是霧笛的聲音!」但是人們卻很喜歡她。她還在1911年為愛迪生公司 (Edison Company) 錄製主題曲「這些日子裡」 (Some of These Days) 。她的歌曲被列入愛迪生鋼瓶錄音目錄裡,就像這張照片一樣。
Tucker soon became known for her outspoken comedy and her husky voice. When she first heard a recording of her own voice, she said, "I sound like a foghorn!" But people loved her, and in 1911 she recorded her theme song, "Some of These Days," for the Edison Company. Her song would have been in the Catalog for Edison Cylinder Records, like the one in this photo.
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