
蘇菲‧塔克是1915年這張唱片「夏日時光你是我的」 (You for Me in the Summertime) 的封面人物
表演者蘇菲‧塔克 (Sohpie
Tucker) 生於1884年1月13日
你有沒有看過貝蒂‧米勒 (Bette
Midler) 、羅珊妮 (Roseanne) 或者是瓊‧瑞佛斯 (Joan
Rivers) 的表演呢?這些女性都有一個響亮、有趣,以及坦率的特質。有一個叫做蘇菲‧塔克的演員,在1900年代早期從事演藝工作,就是最早以這種特質發跡的女性。
生於1884年1月13日的蘇菲‧塔克,本名是蘇菲‧阿布薩 (Sophie Abuza) 。當他的母親從俄國來到美國的時候,阿布薩一家人只是數百萬東歐移民的其中一個家庭而已。阿布薩喜歡唱歌,同時也很有幽默感。她一開始是在父親位於康乃迪克州哈特福德 (Hartford) 的餐廳裡表演,她在那裡學到唱歌的技巧。結束和路易斯‧塔克 (Louiss Tuck) 一段不成功的婚姻之後,她決定遠離家園,並且到紐約市闖天下。
Have you ever seen Bette Midler, Roseanne, or Joan Rivers perform? These women all have a loud, funny, outspoken style. An entertainer by the name of Sophie Tucker, who worked in the early 1900s, paved the way for this kind of showmanship.
Born Sophie Abuza on January 13, 1884, while her mother was traveling from Russia to the United States, Abuza's Jewish family was one of millions of Eastern European families who emigrated to the U.S. Abuza loved to sing and had a great sense of humor. She started performing at her father's restaurant in Hartford, Connecticut, where she earned tips for her songs. After an unsuccessful marriage to a man named Louis Tuck, she decided to run away and try her luck in New York City.
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