愛麗斯‧保羅 (Alice
Paul) 生於1885年1月11日
在接下來的七年裡,保羅和其他辛勤工作的同伴持續要求政府立法,把婦女享有投票權的條款加進憲法之中。保羅後來離開「全美婦女投票權協會」,自行組成一個積極參與競選與抗議的政黨,也就是「全國婦女黨」 (National Woman』s Party) 。政黨成員在白宮外設立警戒哨,並且在柵欄後進行抗議,他們並且以絕食方式進行抗爭,直到政府下令強迫餵食這些抗議人士後,示威才告結束。
Over the next seven years, Paul and others relentlessly pursued legislation that would add a woman's right to vote to the Constitution. Paul left NAWSA and formed a political party, the National Woman's Party, that campaigned and demonstrated. Party members picketed the White House and ended up behind bars, where they continued their protest with a hunger strike, until officials force-fed them.
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